Joel Souza
Joel Souza today manufactures blouses, dresses, pants, overalls, bikinis, bags, curtains, jewelry and paintings. –( Thank's sponsors names to make Joel trip possible) An example of perseverance and struggle for an ideal. So it boils down to life of former bricklayer Joel Souza da Conceicao, 48, who is twelve years old left the profession and became a stylist seal cans, recognized not only in Bahia and abroad
Joel Souza's work is handmade and the material used is composed of all objects such as seals and recyclable beer cans funds and guarana, splendidly transformed into clothing jewelry, manufactures, carpet, curtains, fabrics, papers presented at the catwalk shows Bahia , and other states.
But the new profession grew out of a casual and interesting way. His sister joined seals cans, saying he would make an outfit "but she never did, who was then interested and fashioned a blouse. It worked.
Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer.
Giorgio Armani